About Dr. Mulroy
I received my B.S. in Physical Education, and M.Ed. in Secondary Education from East Stroudsburg University and was thankful to complete my doctorate from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Throughout my career in public education my passion in the area of Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education, Technology, Policy, Athletics, and Community Collaboration drove me to find student and learner centered solutions. When I am not working I love to participate in supporting creative community programming and involving community partners in engaging students to the real world and school. She is a graduate of the Education Policy Leadership Center (EPLC).
I recently contributed a White Paper, Solutions for Virtual Learning, documenting how one school district expanded student opportunities by providing a virtual World Language solution. My hope in serving the education community is to create options for schools to provide models, experiences and programs that promote student engagement, efficacy, and engaged citizens. I am a grateful contributor to the publication "Let The Beauty We Love Be What We Do: Stories Of Living Divided No More" - edited by Sally Z. Hare and Megan LeBoutillier.