Learning from The Sneetches!

I keep the book "The Sneetches" by Dr. Seuss on my desk. I read the book to my kids growing up pretty regularly. I must admit, not because they asked for it, I think it was because I liked it so much! Lot's of people reference it.
The Sneetches, for me, is really about honoring our differences! If you haven't read it the story is about Sneetches who have stars on their bellies and those who do not. The "star bellied" are popular and envied. Along comes a bright entrepreneur who, for a sum, will place a star on others bellies. You would think everything would end there! Happily ever after! But no, as you can imagine, stars went out of fashion. Waiting in the wings to remove the stars the entrepreneur swoops in again, for a sum, to remove those stars. The entrepreneur was quite happy as the Sneetches went in and out of his star-on/star-off machine! When their money was gone he packed up and he left -smiling all the way to the bank! The story ends well and the Sneetches finally figure out that neither is the best - and they all get along!
I wish life were that simple. We all want to be recognized and not isolated. Star, no star, whatever our "brand" might be, we all want to be seen as useful, viable and worthy. The age old tale of the Sneetches, published in 1961, still tells the human tale. What is your "star"? What is mine? Today I want to try to remember what makes me unique and valuable - and see the same in others. Often that is hard as I measure myself against someone else's "star".
Imagine a school(s) where we all honor the gifts we bring and the unique gifts of others. In a world that measures often by conformity - I hope to lead quietly and by example, honoring the gift each soul brings - and by honoring my own gifts. Each star unique - contributing to the beauty of diversity - of all kinds! 
Think about schools - think about how kids learn differently! Blended Schools Network and The School at Kirkridge - ideas for new thinking!


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