Reclaim Your Vision!
In a post I wrote last may - Hold Gently I described how practicing Circle of Trust@work has made such a difference in my ability to be resilient. I said, "In Circles of Trust we learn to hold the spirit of others gently, like we are holding a small bird, careful not to hold to tightly, or to push the bird before it is ready to fly. The dream of a new kind of school is something I hold each day and long for it to come to fruition. And while I work hard to make things happen, I know that I must “proceed as way opens” (the words of a Quaker phrase, quoted by many).
Those words speak to the resilience I have found to persist when things don't work out right away. I have not been able to get a new type of school off the ground, yet, and I work so that the way may open. Like the bird in my essay, we sometimes find ourselves stuck in situations and places that test our souls. I have found healthy exploration of these challenges in Circles of Trust.
Sometimes we need a takes a moment to catch our breath and start over again. Sometimes we need help! I hope Morgan and I can help you reclaim your vision!
See the information below for more details, click here to register, or call/email Morgan or Pat!!
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