I didn’t know when I took to indoor planting this winter
quite what I got myself into. First, I underestimated just how much could come
from one tiny seed. Now, I have more plants than I really know how to handle.
These little things take care and nurturing. I want them all to flourish, and I
need help! Words of wisdom often come at the strangest times and when we least
expect it. A passing phrase and I realized that small things can be scary to
take care of; babies, puppies, kids and plants. They are fragile and dependent. School
can be like that too! Lots of us want schools to be better, we do at the School at Kirkridge, and the Alt Schools are
exploring how to use data and different ways of measuring performance in reforming education. The concepts
of collecting video and data on everything that happens is kind of like
planting a million seeds. Right? Wouldn’t it be like finding a needle in a
And, I really think some of the things Alt Schools' hope to do
are noble:
- Personalize
- Paying attention to social and emotional learning.
- Cultivating grit,
resilience, kindness.
- Creating children ready to enter the world.
- Building relevant experiences.
- Blending the use of technology and teachers.
As educators, I think we long to do these things in a
classroom or school or district. Yet, how do we embed the small things like saying
good morning, picking up the trash, or sharing our lunch or an idea.? Days end sometimes before we even begin. Wanting to
linger when it is time to leave. We have more to accomplish and build. I long
for one more cup of coffee, one more story or a little more time to write. The computer battery is dying
now that I am thinking of so much to say! So much…. The first light of dawn and
the sky clearing after a storm. Fleeting moments. Hail storms in the afternoon.
The budding weeping willow at the edge of the woods. The chirping of the salamanders
and frogs in the vernal pools. Savoring the voice of children playing. The joy
when you know your own children are happy. The pain when you hear the quiver in
their voice on the phone. So much to learn!
The tension of life plays on us all like an out of tune
guitar. Wanting to get it right – to be in harmony. Little things really do
make a difference. Turning to wonder these days as we sit in a circle at school. Trying
to help young people get along, care about each other, honor our differences
and celebrate our sameness. Trying hard, wondering if we can create a community
that can navigate the divisiveness of our politics. The little (and not so
little) jabs. So we try – and we hold.
- Giving and receiving welcome – knowing that we
all want to be a part of something.
- Being present – open to
make the most of opportunities to learn and be kind.
- Know that what is
offered is an invitation – to learn, to grow and to become people of hope.
- Speak your truth in ways
that honors the truth of others – is it kind, is it helpful, is it necessary.
- No fixing, saving or
advising – each of us come with our own truths – honor those differences.
- Learn to respond to
others with open, honest questions – rather than tell others what to do,
respond in ways that help a person learn for themselves.
- When the going gets
tough turn to wonder – set aside what you think and put yourself in the shoes
of the other.
- Attend to your own inner
teacher – know you have the answer inside of yourself.
- Trust and learn from
silence – sometimes when you are quite, you hear what you know is the right
thing to do.
- Observe deep
confidentiality – don’t share another persons story – it is only for them to
- Know that it is possible
– Each of us holds the key to being our best self.
Great stuff, really! The experience of helping to change the
landscape of learning will take all of us, The School at KIrkridge and other alternative private schools, Public Schools, the reformers in places like the Alt Schools and the many more. The idea of personalized learning
and the value of living together in a way that is healthy and creates a society
worthy of our human spirit. Just like the little seeds; “little things”, children
or adults, it doesn't much matter, we are in this together. The wide landscape
of learning to learn. Individual or same? Where does it intersect? Like capturing
a range of meanings; from a small acts of kindness to figuring out how to
persist when the technology fails in the beginning of a lesson. As I planted
seeds this winter I was reminded that small things can grow into larger things.
Ideas can become reality. And sometimes you need to let go. Some of the seeds
won’t make it. Sometimes we fall down or fail. But, come spring – I am still
going to have a ton of basil! And – I am going to keep trying to help others
learn, to help make schools safe and fun places to learn. I am going to keep trying!
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